Submit Your Questions to the Summon Q&A “Talk Back”

We are pleased to announce a robust Summon track of 20 sessions at ELUNA and two on Developer Day!  As a global community, we realize attendance isn’t feasible for everyone, so we’ve created a unique way for Summon/360 customers to participate.

One of the sessions is a Talk Back: Summon/360 Q&A forum, comprised of Summon/360 customers and Ex Libris Product Management, and we are all interested in hearing from you!

Whether you are an ELUNA/IGeLU member or not, questions and/or discussion topics are welcome from anyone in the community. All you have to do is submit your topic(s) of interest via this google form.

Post-conference, we plan on sharing notes about the discussion, so even if you are unable to attend, please let us know your thoughts regarding what you’d like to see addressed.