Primo enhancements cycle for 2017 update

One of the key benefits of ELUNA membership is the ability to vote on product enhancements. ELUNA and the international users group (IGeLU) have an agreement with Ex Libris that specifies that Ex Libris will develop community-supported functionality improvements annually through a defined product enhancement process.

One example of this product development agreement in action: As a result of the Primo development cycle for 2017 (and voting for ELUNA and IGeLU member institutions), Ex Libris will be delivering six specific enhancements to Primo customers in the next calendar year:

  • Add support for any citation style via Citation Style Language (CSL): Primo will be enhanced to support any citation style that has been defined in the Citation Style Language (CSL)
  • Zotero support in Primo new UI
  • Improve date facet functionality for resources that cover ranges of dates: Making the start and end dates of the date facet work in a manner consistent with the start and end date pre-filters in Advanced Search, which return correct results among resources that cover a range of dates
  • Hyperlinked headings should go to Browse list and not perform keyword search: Clicking on linked controlled headings in the record details will place the user in the Browse list
  • “Related titles” in the Details tab/section will be a hyperlinked title search

Additionally, Ex Libris agreed to add one additional enhancement, the second most-popular in terms of community support, to the Primo roadmap:

  • Primo Central Index: Availability facet for Open Access documents

Thank you to the ELUNA and IGeLU Primo working groups for working with Ex Libris to take the community’s input through voting and translate it into the above planned service improvements.