Esploro – First Enhancement Vote results!!

Woman in White Long Sleeve Shirt Using Silver Laptop Computer2024 Enhancements

The Esploro Product Working Group has focused much of our time this year on enhancements. We were one of the first groups to use the new voting system in August. Liz Bodian and Montserrat Rodriguez-Marquez deserve huge thanks for leading this effort for the ELUNA and IGeLU product working groups. The following enhancements received the highest number of votes from members of ELUNA and IGeLU.

Improve deposit forms 

Make deposit forms and related workflows configurable by asset type.

  • The configurations should include better visibility to select a license and all the date types that are available on the Admin side.
  • It should also have an “Instructions” field for every entry field and more options for the display of co-authors and contributors.
  • Ability to add relationships between assets, e.g. between data set and publications.
  • Ability to add custom sections to the form and move fields as needed so that elements can be grouped based on an institution’s preferences.

Ability to export Search results from Research Portal 

In Primo, it is possible to export the results of a search (or at least, up to 50) by selecting them and then exporting them; there is no option to export results from the Research Portal. We would like to be able to export search results from the Esploro Research Portal. Ideally, this export would not be restricted to 50.

Make collections searchable 

Collections is a feature that allows an institution to display selected assets together. The assets are displayed as a list you can scroll through. To make Collections more user friendly it would be nice to have a search function for Collections to make assets in the collection searchable. When there are many assets in a collection, it would be optimal for the user to be able to search for a specific asset or keyword in the collection. 

Ability to shift a researcher from creator to contributor 

Many assets come in with editors’ information where the institutions do not want it. For example as a creator instead of a contributor or vice versa. It would be helpful if we could easily shift between the two types without having to delete and re-enter the information, particularly when there are multiple editors. We can change the order of the contributors/creators by dragging people within a section, but we can’t drag people from one section to another. If an asset is added for someone you cannot delete them from the asset. 

Duplicate an existing record for new record edit 

It would be good to be able to duplicate an existing asset in order to create and edit a new asset. This could be especially useful if there are multiple book chapters from the same book, or conference papers from the same conference. Duplicate the existing metadata then allow the user to change the fields that need to be changed before saving.

Community discussions

We have held two community discussions this year;

Working group members:

  • Wendy Robertson (she/her), University of Iowa, USA, chair, 2021–2024
  • Liz Bodian, Brandeis University, USA, Enhancements Coordinator, 2023–2025
  • Jason Cohen, University of Miami, USA, 2024–2026
  • Joseph Deodato, Rutgers University, USA, 2023–2025
  • David Hodges, Adelphi University, USA, 2023–2025
  • Andii Johnson, University of West Florida, USA, 2024–2026
  • Dale Poulter (he/him), Vanderbilt University, USA, 2024–2026
  • Hannah Purtymun (she/her), Drexel University, USA, 2024–2026
  • Kaleena Rivera, Florida Gulf Coast University, USA, 2023–2025
  • David Schuster, Binghamton University, USA, ELUNA steering committee liaison