There are many benefits that the Alma-D Working Group will provide to the user community. The Alma-D mailing list is a valuable resource for users of the product through it’s ability to help share ideas, issues, and workarounds that have been identified. The Alma-D WG will coordinate the enhancement process with IGeLU and Ex Libris. They will develop sessions of interest at the annual ELUNA and IGeLU conferences. They will communicate with other WG’s impacting Alma-D, Alma, Analytics, and Interoperability Working Groups etc.

Current Members

  • Caitlin Baker – University Regina (Canada) – Co Chair
  • Liz Bodian – Brandeis – Co Chair
  • Jane Fiegel – Tulane
  • Victoria Jones – Florida Gulf Coast
  • Sun Mang – Rice
  • Amanda Schriver – Art Institute of Chicago
  • David Schuster, Binghamton University, ELUNA Steering Committee Liaison, 2023-2026

IGeLU Working Group page 

  • Dave Allen, IGeLU Steering Committee
  • Kevin O’Donovan IGeLU Alma-D co-chair

Coordinator Biography

Current Enhancement Process and Dates

Current Roadmap /Action Plan

Mailing List

Alma-D email discussion group is hosted jointly by ELUNA and IGeLU. Subscription is open to Ex Libris customers with Alma-D and to employees of Ex Libris and/or its affiliates and resellers. Details on how to subscribe to Alma-D can be found at:


Term of Reference

Annual Reports

Additional Documentation