Leganto Working Group Update – New User Interface

As we all know by now, Leganto is getting an overhaul on the user interface. Among the ELUNA community, very few institutions have moved but several have started the internal discussions with the move coming in the summer of 2024. However, some IGeLU institutions have made the move and here are some of their observations, Leganto Screenshots of upcoming User Interface Changes.

Ex Libris continues to develop their Leganto product with a focus on the user’s experience – users meaning students and instructors. One thing to note that as a result of this development, no new features will be added to the old user interface since the End of Life is scheduled for Jan. 2025. Check back this summer when we should have several stories of ELUNA institutions who have migrated. In the meantime, review IGeLU’s videos made earlier this year and their experiences with the process: https://vimeo.com/showcase/10956334