Although the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a cancellation of the May 2020 Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, the ELUNA Steering Committee, Annual Meeting Planners, and presenters, with the support of key sponsors, are able to bring the updates from the meeting home to you through the series of seven free webinars outlined below in July 2020. ELUNA will also launch a new online learning program, ELUNA Learns, in the late summer.
Do you have a question for Ex Libris Management or ELUNA Speakers? Although questions can be submitted during the sessions, we want to make sure you receive the best information during these events. Please submit questions in advance to allow our speakers to tailor their content to your needs!
We are happy to announce that registration for all sessions is now available – see links below. Please note that you need to register for each webinar that you would like to attend, whether during the scheduled time or after the session via the recording.
After the ELUNA 2020 Annual Meeting live sessions are all held, the slides presented will be posted. Ex Libris will post their presentations to the Ex Libris Knowledge Center. ELUNA presentations will be posted to the ELUNA Document Repository. You can also watch the events on demand for a year following the Watch on Demand! links below. Click on session titles to see speakers and links to recordings.
Opening Session & Updates: Ex Libris & Alma. July 7, 2020. 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm eastern – Watch on Demand!
ELUNA 2020 Online Welcome | Michael North, Northwestern University; Allen Jones, The New School | 1:00 pm – 1:20 pm
2020 has been an unprecedented year for us all in rethinking traditional service and support models. By leveraging new and existing technologies, institutions of all sizes have already adapted to an environment where facilities may be partially or fully closed and yet libraries remain virtually open. Please join Michael North and Allen Jones, ELUNA Steering Committee’s outgoing and incoming Chairs, who share their experiences and reflections on how the landscape changed within each organization, as well as how they adapted to the ‘new normal’ during these uncertain times.
Ex Libris Company Update | Jane Burke, Ex Libris; Bar Veinstein, Ex Libris; Eric Hines, Ex Libris | 1:20 pm – 2:20 pm
We live in the age of acceleration, in a world of extreme data. How can libraries thrive and move from VOLUME to VALUE to IMPACT. Join this session to learn about Ex Libris & ProQuest strategies and vision in dealing with 2020 and future libraries challenges.
Break | 2:20 pm – 2:30 pm
Alma Product Update | Asaf Kline, Ex Libris | 2:30 pm – 3:15 pm
General update on what’s new and what’s coming in Alma.
Joint IGeLU / ELUNA Alma Working Group Meeting | Betsy Friesen, University of Minnesota; Amelia Rowe, RMIT; Catherine Grove, Northwestern University | 3:15 pm – 4:00 pm
Please join us for a look back at the work of the Alma Working Group members since last ELUNA. Updates will include work on enhancements, Alma UX, DARA Smart Recommendations, Community Zone Management, Alma Apps Center, and Alma performance. The new structure of the Alma Working Group will be discussed and attendees will have the opportunity to meet the new leadership of the Alma WG. There should also be time for open discussion on priorities for the next year.
Updates: Summon & Rosetta. July 8, 2020. 1:00 pm – 4:10 pm eastern – Watch on Demand!
Summon Product Update | Brent Cook, Ex Libris | 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm
Join Ex Libris for a Summon update, a review of key feature enhancements, overview of the Roadmap, and an opportunity for Q&A.
Summon/ 360 Services Working Group Meeting | Nicole Trujillo, University of Colorado Boulder | 1:45 pm – 2:30 pm
Business meeting for the ELUNA Summon/360 Working Group, open to all interested attendees.
Break | 2:30 pm – 2:40 pm
Rosetta Product Update | Daniel Greenberg, ExLibris | 2:40 pm – 3:25 pm
Update on our recent significant 6.2 release, including the fast-track preservation planning, support for streaming video, and more. Come and hear details on many exciting features planned for 7.0 and beyond, in addition to community updates and more.
Rosetta Working Group Meeting | Teresa Soleau, J. Paul Getty Trust; Daniel Greenberg, Ex Libris | 3:25 pm – 4:10 pm
We have set aside this time to review Rosetta WG activities in the past year and provide a recap from the separate joint WG meeting that happened June 2-4. The session will include an open discussion of all things Rosetta, especially in regards to WG focus for 2020/2021. All are welcome to join this meeting regardless of whether or not they have Rosetta.
Updates: Learning, Research, and Resource Sharing, Leganto, and RapidILL. July 13, 2020. 1:00 pm – 4:25 pm eastern – Watch on Demand!
Learning, Research, and Resource Sharing Solutions and the Ecosystem | Tamar Sadeh, Ex Libris; Nadav Doron, Ex Libris; Sharona Sagi, Ex Libris; Josh Weisman, Ex Libris | 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Join this Ex Libris session to learn about the latest solutions, enhancements, and vision in the areas of learning, research resource sharing and the academic ecosystem.
Break | 2:00 pm – 2:05 pm
Leganto Product Update | Dolav Ben-Artzi, Ex Libris; Jessie Ransom, Ex Libris | 2:05 pm – 2:50 pm
Join Ex Libris for a Leganto Product Update, an overview of the Roadmap, and an opportunity for Q&A.
Leganto Working Group Meeting | Greg Argo, University of St. Thomas; Dolav Ben-Artzi, Ex Libris | 2:50 pm – 3:35 pm
Please come join us at the Leganto Working Group meeting. We will present a short agenda and take questions from the attendees. All are welcome to attend.
Break | 3:35 pm – 3:40 pm
RapidILL Working Group: Call for Members | Allen Jones, The New School; Dale Poulter, Vanderbilt; Mike Richins, Ex Libris | 3:40 pm – 4:25 pm
The ELUNA Steering Committee is looking for interested members who license the RapidILL product to meet to bring together a Working Group. At the presentation, users will find out what is involved in being a chair, an enhancement coordinator, a communications coordinator and a conference track coordinator (the four offices needed in order to start a Working Group). The goal is to find out if there is enough interest in this product for ELUNA to sponsor a Working Group.
Updates: Customer Success, Analytics and Interoperability, & Esploro. July 14, 2020. 1:00 pm – 4:10 pm eastern – Watch on Demand!
Analytics and Interoperability Working Groups Meeting | Joan Kolarik, Weizmann Institute of Science; Allen Jones, The New School | 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm
The joint ELUNA/IGeLU Analytics and Interoperability Working Groups will each give an update on what their groups have been working on.
The Customer Success Journey in Unprecedented Times | Yair Amsterdam, Ex Libris; Audrey Ho, Ex Libris; Osnat Vilenchik, Ex Libris | 1:45 pm – 2:30 pm
Customer Success has and will always be our top priority at Ex Libris. The Global Operations management team will present the Customer Success Cycle, the new initiatives it includes and how it is tailored to accelerate the path to your success.
Break | 2:30 pm – 2:40 pm
Esploro Product Update | Adi Alter, Ex Libris | 2:40 pm – 3:25 pm
Join us for an update on the latest advancements of Esploro and an overview of the Roadmap, as well as and an opportunity for Q&A. This session will also highlight the experience and results from institutions that are live with Esploro.
Esploro Working Group – Call for Members | John Greer, University of Montana; Sara Scheib, University of Iowa; Adi Alter, Ex Libris, Nadav Doron, Ex Libris | 3:25 pm – 4:10 pm
Join users and Ex Libris staff for discussion and Q&A regarding Esploro. The ELUNA Steering Committee is looking for interested members who license the Esploro product to meet to bring together a Working Group. At the presentation, users will find out what is involved in being a chair, an enhancement coordinator, a communications coordinator and a conference track coordinator (the four offices needed in order to start a Working Group). The goal is to find out if there is enough interest in this product for ELUNA to sponsor a Working Group.
Updates: Library of Experiences, CDI, Content, & SFX. July 16, 2020. 1:00 pm – 4:10 pm eastern – Watch on Demand!
Library of Experiences | Dvir Hoffman, Ex Libris; Shlomi Kringel, Ex Libris | 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm
How can libraries move from managing volume of data, to delivering value, to demonstrating impact to their stakeholders while maintaining high level of user experience? Join us for an Ex Libris update about library management and discovery solutions, designed to accelerate library impact & satisfaction.
CDI: The New Ex Libris Central Discovery Index Update | Christine Stohn, Ex Libris; Guy Ben-Porat, Ex Libris | 1:45 pm – 2:30 pm
Gain more knowledge about the Central Discovery Index (CDI). Learn what it is, what it means for discovery, the status of its rollout, educational resources available, and more.
Break | 2:30 pm – 2:40 pm
Content Working Group Meeting and Q&A with Ex Libris | Kathy Varjabedian, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Karin Perols, Karolinska Institutet; Rael Elstein, Ex Libris; Osnat Vilenchik, Ex Libris | 2:40 pm – 3:25 pm
This session is for everyone who utilizes the knowledge bases (Alma, SFX, 360) and/or discovery indexes (Primo Central, Summon, Central Discovery Index). Concerned about what collections are present, how up-to-date they are, metadata quality and how it affects the use of the content? We will review the activities of the Content Working Group and have an open discussion about areas of concern and upcoming initiatives. The second part of the meeting will be a Q&A session with Ex Libris Content Operations staff.
Joint SFX Product Update and Working Group Meeting | Christine Stohn, Ex Libris| 3:25 pm – 4:10 pm
Join Ex Libris for an SFX Product Update, overview of the Roadmap, and an opportunity for Q&A.
Updates: Voyager, Aleph, & Linked Data. July 20, 2020. 1:00 pm – 4:10 pm eastern – Watch on Demand!
Voyager Product Update | Mark Gobat, Ex Libris | 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm
Join Ex Libris for a Voyager product update, an overview of the Roadmap, and an opportunity for Q&A.
Voyager Working Group Meeting | Antonella Ward, Angelo State University | 1:45 pm – 2:30 pm
Come join your Voyager WG officers to hear about the group’s latest activities and a chance to ask your pressing Voyager questions.
Break | 2:30 pm – 2:40 pm
Joint Aleph Product Update and Working Group Meeting | Camelia Anghel, New York University; Carmit Marcus, Ex Libris | 2:40 pm – 3:25 pm
The Aleph WG will provide a short update about the group’s activities, followed by a review of the highlights of the recent Aleph releases, including NERS enhancements and other technical enhancements to Aleph.
Linked Data Working Group Meeting | Xiaoli Li, UC Davis; Itai Veltzman, Ex Libris | 3:25 pm – 4:10 pm
The Linked Open Data Working Group will report on this past year and on its plans for the future. Itai Veltzman from Ex Libris will bring us up to date on the linked data Roadmap for Ex Libris products. At the end, we will open it up for questions.
Updates: Primo, Keynote, & ELUNA Business Meeting. July 23, 2020. 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm eastern – Watch on Demand!
Session Questions & AnswersPrimo/Primo VE Product Update | Yisrael Kuchar, Ex Libris| 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm
Join Ex Libris for a Primo and Primo VE Product update, an overview of their Roadmaps, and an opportunity for Q&A.
Primo Working Group Meeting | Corinna Baksik, Harvard | 1:45 pm – 2:30 pm
Please join the Primo Working Group to review what’s happened since the last ELUNA, and Working Group plans for the coming year. There will be a short presentation followed by a period of discussion. Attendees are strongly encouraged to raise topics or submit questions in advance by emailing the presenter. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and hopes for the Primo and Working Group activities
Break | 2:30 pm – 2:40 pm
Keynote: What I Really Needed to Know in Life, I Learned from Alma, Aleph, MARCit, and Even Verde | Betsy Friesen, University of Minnesota | 2:40 pm – 3:10 pm
In 1988, Robert Fulghum’s published a book called All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. He maintained that everything he needed to know about how to live, what to do, and how to be, was learned in kindergarten. I never went to kindergarten, which may explain a few things, but found I did need to apply some of those life principles again and again in my years of involvement with Ex Libris products and the people in our Ex Libris community. After working with Ex Libris systems for nearly two decades, and holding community leadership roles for most of that time, including 7 years as chair of the Alma Working Group, my tenure is coming to an end. This presentation will apply the lessons most people learned in kindergarten to what I learned from working with Ex Libris products, Ex Libris staff and the incredible user community.
ELUNA 2020 Closing Session | Allen Jones, The New School; Sue Julich, University of Iowa; Laura Morse, Harvard University | 3:10 pm – 4:00 pm
Members of the Steering Committee will present budget updates, offer final commentary, and announce the location of the 2021 Annual Meeting in our Business Meeting.