ELUNA memberships are valid for one calendar year, January-December; membership fees are not prorated for members who join during the year.

In order to be considered a consortium, there must be a central office that coordinates the consortium membership and Ex Libris products on behalf of its individual members. In the case of questions, the ELUNA Steering Committee will have the final decision in determining membership type.

If you have any questions about membership, please contact the ELUNA Treasurer, Ellen Jones.

2024 Membership Fees

New for 2024: Membership in ELUNA provides staff at member institutions with free registration for all ELUNA learns sessions held in 2024 and beyond.  Session attendees see peer presentations which highlight local expertise with system functions and tools, demonstrate workflows and local configuration, and provide updates on local projects.

ELUNA introduced the ELUNA learns series in 2020 to increase opportunities for peer learning online throughout the year. The series provides a venue for members who cannot attend in-person events to share their knowledge with the larger community. The events are live and on-demand; attendees can watch the videos as often as desired.  The program has been remarkably successful, with more than 2900 library colleagues attending the 33 three-hour sessions held during the 2020 – 2022 seasons. Feedback about the content of the sessions and the event experience has been overwhelmingly positive. Operationally, ELUNA runs all virtual and in-person events in a cost-recovery mode and cannot offer events for free. Still, many members have noted that managing payment for individual sessions was a barrier to attendance.  In response to this feedback from members, we increased membership dues to help cover the costs of event production and hosting. All staff at institutions with an active ELUNA membership will receive free registration for all ELUNA learns events held after January 1, 2024. IGeLU and non-members can still attend these meetings, but they must register for individual sessions for a fee.


Fee (US Dollars)

Individual Institution $380.00
Consortia with 2-5 Members $600.00
Consortia with 6-25 Members $705.00
Consortia with 26-50 Members $815.00
Consortia with 51 or more Members $1000.00

Payment Options

Payment may be made by check, credit card, or bank transfer.

Membership Application

To become a member of ELUNA, please complete the application.

Send the completed application to e-jones [at] uiowa.edu. When your institution or consortium’s information is entered into the system, an invoice will be sent to the person you designate as the Primary Contact Person.

Membership Questions?

If you have any questions about membership please submit your question.