Enhancements: for the 2018 development cycle the working group submitted around 20 enhancement requests to Ex Libris; 8 have been confirmed and scheduled for the next release, version 6 (release date Dec 2018), and 8 for version 6.1 (release date June 2019). The enhancement requests are evenly spread across the four main system areas (format library, preservation, system operation and delivery). We are now focused on the 2019 development cycle, and groups have identified a number of candidate enhancements to work on. On the Rosetta wiki we have a page with the list of all the enhancement ideas worked on by the various working groups, and their current status including release assignment. If you have enhancement ideas that you would like one of the working groups to pick up then I encourage you to get involved.
Knowledge Exchange: one of the aims of the Rosetta Working Group is to share institutional knowledge, to this end the Preservation Working Group has run a number of webinars on preservation planning. The next webinar coming up on December 10th is a presentation of the preservation planning work undertaken by the Church History Library.
Meetings: If you are attending ELUNA next year we are planning to have a Rosetta Working Group meeting on the schedule to update Rosetta customers on working group activities.
The 2019 Rosetta Working Group annual meeting is being hosted by the RMIT University in Melbourne Australia, June 3-5 2019. This is the first time to the southern hemisphere for the RWG, but as we now have a growing Australasian Rosetta community is a timely move. Initial meeting details will be circulated on the Rosetta list shortly.
Kirsty Smith, National Library of New Zealand
Coordinator, Rosetta Working Group