General News

Summer 2011 Newsletter

The ELUNA Summer 2011 Newsletter is now available at Included in this edition is a recap of ELUNA 2011 in Milwaukee, and the announcement of the dates for ELUNA 2012 in Salt Lake City.  In addition, you […]

ELUNA Conference

ELUNA 2013 Meeting: Call for Host Site

Following the success of the ELUNA 2011 Meeting in Milwaukee, planning is well underway for the ELUNA 2012 Meeting in the Salt Lake City! We hope you can join us at Hilton Salt Lake City Center on May 8 through May 11, 2012. More details about the 2012 ELUNA Meeting will be available on the ELUNA website this fall.

The ELUNA Steering Committee is now accepting proposals for the 2013 host site! […]

General News

Metadata Petition

The user groups, ELUNA and IGeLU (International Group of Ex Libris Users), are gathering signatures on a petition which we intend to present to EBSCO, and other content providers. We’re requesting their support for consolidated […]


Spring 2011 Newsletter

The ELUNA Spring 2011 Newsletter is now available at . Information about the upcoming ELUNA 2011 Conference can be found throughout this issue.  You will find these articles: A word from the Chair (Bob Trotter); Membership Update […]