ALERT ! The Developers Day Schedule is available! Click here.

The ELUNA Steering Committee is excited to announce that this year’s ELUNA 2016 user conference will feature the inaugural ELUNA Developers Day, which will be on May 3rd, 2016 in Oklahoma City (immediately prior to the general ELUNA 2016 Conference). In 2016, all ELUNA members who are “full conference” attendees (1 day attendees are ineligible) of the ELUNA Conference will be able to attend Developers Day as part of their ELUNA registration fee.

Developers Day is an initiative for developers, by developers, who are working with ExLibris products or library based integration development projects involving Ex Libris products. Developers Day is geared towards developer’s technical needs and tools focused on what is required, and what can be done, to achieve various tasks and integrations that developers have been working on, or desire to be worked on.

Background : Close collaboration work between the Interoperability and Linked Open Data SIWGs resulted in the idea of a Developers Day for IGeLU and ELUNA conferences. IGeLU 2015 was the first Developer Day for our sister organization. More than 90 participants (institutional and Ex Libris), from 25 countries, attended the IGeLU Developer Day that featured developer-focused presentations, lightning talks, and discussions of building useful tools around the edges of Ex Libris products. Information on the IGeLU 2015 Developer Day can be found at

The ELUNA Developers Day focuses on two primary GOALS :

The first goal is to produce a forum whereby institutional developers can meet each other and collaborate on developer projects that they are working on and to share the “tools” they are using to accomplish their work.

The second goal is to bring together Ex Libris Development Management with the ELUNA institutional developers so that each side becomes more aware of what the other one is doing. This is particularly important because Ex Libris developers need to know what institutional developers are doing so that the appropriate tools can be maintained within each Ex Libris product in order to support the work of the institutional developers.

Ex Libris Development Management will be participating and will also present on such topics as system monitoring, new Primo UI development (AngularJS), and the new jQuery.PRIMO library that was created by Mehmet Celik (KULeuven/LIBIS) and collaboratively added to the Primo roadmap for implementation by Ex Libris.

Hope to see you at ELUNA’s first ever Developers Day !

If you have a question about Developers Day, please send them to ELUNA-DEVELOPER-DAY@LISTSERV.ND.EDU.

Other Questions or Comments, at contact the ELUNA SC.

ELUNA Developers Day Planning Committee
Michael North – Planning Chair – Northwestern University (
Alison Hitchens – University of Waterloo (
Allen Jones – The New School (
Corey Harper – New York University (
Erik Beiver – University of Minnesota (
Greg Gosselin – The City University of New York (