A reminder from the Voyager Product Working Groups for ELUNA and IGeLU:
Enhancement balloting for for Voyager 8.2 is open through November 19, 2010.
Balloting is being done on the New Enhancement Request System (NERS) located at https://ners.igelu.org. Your institution must be a member of ELUNA or IGeLU to vote. Your institution’s primary ELUNA contact should have received a message in July 2010 from ners@igelu.org containing your NERS login credentials. If you did not receive or cannot locate that information, send email to ners@igelu.org.
Balloting will run through November 19, 2010. The ballot contains 149 items. To help you preview the proposed enhancements being balloted, an Excel version of the ballot is available in the ELUNA documents repository at http://documents.el-una.org/584/ (login required) . Each member institution or consortium has total of 100 points to allocate among enhancement choices as it sees fit, with a maximum of 10 points per any one item. Once the balloting concludes, the Voyager Product Working Groups will compile the results and report the top ranked enhancement requests to Ex Libris.
Questions about the enhancements process may be directed to the Product Working Group Chairs, Ted Schwitzner (ELUNA) and Habib Tabatabai (IGeLU).
Thank you for your membership and your assistance in this important process.
Ted Schwitzner
ELUNA Voyager Product Working Group Chair tcschwi@ilstu.edu
Habib Tabatabai
IGeLU Voyager Product Working Group Chair htabatabai@uco.edu