Proposed ByLaws change to be up for approval by ELUNA membership in early 2011

The ELUNA Steering Committee is proposing a change to the current ByLaws for the organization, detailed in the attachments below. All ELUNA member institution site contacts will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to vote on this change when at least 30 days has elapsed since this announcement became available. This change is open for all to see, regardless of membership status with ELUNA. The voting period will be 10 days, March 17, 2011-March 26, 2011, following the 30 day notice period, February 14, 2011-March 16, 2010.

The purpose of this change is to extend the Term of the ELUNA Steering Committee Chair from one year to two years. If approved this change will become effective with the upcoming Chair.

If you are the member representative for ELUNA, please familiarize yourself with the two documents below, the first outlines our rational for making this change,  and the second presents the specific changes needed to enact this extension.

Also, for you site contacts, please watch for the e-mail that will kick off the voting, on or around March 15, 2010. Any questions regarding the details of the proposed change can be directed to the ELUNA Steering Committee by e-mailing

On behalf of the ELUNA Steering Committee,

Bob Trotter
Chair, ELUNA Steering Committee, 2010-2011