Would you like to play a part in planning the ELUNA 2012 conference? If so, please consider volunteering to be on the ELUNA 2012 Program Committee. Volunteers are responsible for recruiting and selecting the presentations from Ex Libris customers and are the primary contact point with presenters prior to the conference. ELUNA 2012 will be held in Salt Lake City Utah, May 8-11, 2012, but you don’t have to be sure you can attend the conference to be on the Program Committee. Unfortunately we can’t offer you a registration discount for serving on the committee, but your participation can help make ELUNA 2012 a better conference!
The Local Arrangements committee and the Steering Committee take care of the facility planning, budget, publicity, on-site check in etc., so your work will be done before the conference starts.
Opportunities include the following positions:
General/Strategic Track coordinator
Poster Track coordinator
Moderator coordinator (solicit and schedule moderators for each session)
Proceedings coordinator (collects and posts presentation materials post-conference)
Photographs coordinator (takes lots of photos and collects them from others to submit to Flickr)
SIGS/RUGS coordinator (Contacts all the special interest groups and the Regional User Groups to determine if the group will want to meet during the conferences, and helps schedule those meetings.)
If you are interested in lending your talents to the Program Committee, contact Ellen Jones, e-jones@uiowa.edu, by October 31, 2011 and indicate which position(s) you are interested in.