Aleph Final Voting for Enhancement EXTENDED and version survey

Dear ELUNA Members:

Because some users have had issues with voting, we are extending the voting cycle to 1/6/15. Enhancement requests have been assigned complexity points by Ex Libris and voting runs now through Tuesday Jan. 6, 2015. We have 100 points to assign this voting cycle. Some users have had problems getting to use all their points. We have contacted NERS for help and will send an update, but in the meantime wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to vote.

Voting is taking place on NERS (New Enhancement Request System) at

Voting in NERS is limited to each member site’s official representative. These individuals received NERS login credentials previously and possibly already have experience using the system. Please verify as soon as possible that your organization is able to access NERS.

If you have problems with logging into or using NERS, please contact or if you have questions regarding the enhancement process, please contact one of us below:

Felicity Walsh <>
Kevin J. Collins <>


Please take a minute to help us by filling out a survey of Aleph version by institution here:

And finally, we’re looking for presenters for ELUNA 2015

Call for Presentations: ELUNA 2015 ALEPH Track – May 6-8, 2015 – Minneapolis, Minnesota

The annual meeting of the Ex Libris Users of North America aims to offer Ex Libris customers and staff an opportunity to share information, experiences, best practices, and works in progress in an informal, collegial environment. Thought provoking content is encouraged to insure an interesting and worthwhile program. Presentation proposals are reviewed and selected by the ELUNA 2015 Conference Planning Committee and presenters will receive a $100.00 discount on registration (one discount per person, cannot be combined with TS Combo discount).

Proposals should be submitted using the link below. Please be advised you will need to create a login in order to submit a proposal.

The ELUNA 2015 Program Planning Committee will review every proposal submitted and respond in late January 2015 as to whether the presentation has been accepted.

We are anxiously awaiting your submission. The deadline for proposals in January 10, 2015.

Contact the ELUNA 2015 Program Planning Committee with any questions.

Many thanks –
Felicity D. Walsh