ELUNA Steering Committee elections for 2017

The ELUNA Nominations Committee is now calling for nominees for election to the ELUNA Steering Committee. This year, three people will be elected to three-year terms.

Staff at any individual institution that is a member of ELUNA or any institution that is part of a consortium that is a member of ELUNA is eligible to serve on the Steering Committee. You may nominate yourself or another person. Please read the Nominations Requirements document for more information.

We particularly invite individuals from ELUNA member institutions who have experience with any ProQuest products (Summon, 360 Suite, etc.) to self-nominate or have yourselves nominated to stand for election.

The deadline is 5:00 PM Pacific time on February 17, 2017. All nominations should be sent to Al Cornish at acornish@orbiscascade.org.

Please direct any questions to members of the Nominations Committee:

Amira Aaron
Northeastern University

Al Cornish (chair)
Orbis Cascade Alliance

Judy Drescher
Molloy College

Julene Jones
University of Kentucky

Chris Martin
Loyola University Chicago