Primo enhancements timeline for 2018

Allen Jones, chair of the ELUNA Primo Working Group, joined his IGeLU Primo working group chair Andy McKinnon to announce the Primo enhancement calendar for 2018:

Mon, Jan 15 – First day for NERS product enhancement submission (Primo)
Sat, Feb 17 – Final day for NERS product enhancement submission (Primo)
Feb 17 – Apr 13 – Preparation of Primo enhancement ballots.
Sat, Apr 14 – Community Voting Opens on Primo and Alma ballots respectively
Sun, Apr 29 – Community Voting Closes
Apr 30 – Jun 1 – Ex Libris rates complexity of requests with points
Mon, Jun 4 – Enhancement points are allocated based on top-voted features
Mon, Jul 1 – Slate is finalized and submitted to Steering Committees/Ex Libris for final approval

Allen provided this additional information:

In order to prepare the community for an effective enhancement request process, we are preparing a document that provides instructions on the most effective way to create requests within the NERS ( environment. This document will be finalized soon and sent as a followup email.

Before submitting your own feature request, users should search the NERS system to see if a request already exists. Requests for the current year’s voting will have the request status of ‘New’. If you wish to search for a request that was submitted from a previous year to resubmit for community voting, search for requests with the status ‘Archived’.

Enhancements for Primo VE should also be included within the Primo enhancement process. Although there is considerable integration within that platform, Alma and Primo working groups will work together to ensure the requested feature is on the correct ballot for community voting.

Please also note that starting in the 2018 enhancement cycle, features will only be developed for the new, Angular-based user interface, and not the ‘classic’ interface. Enhancement requests focusing on Back Office or search system modifications will benefit both interfaces, but requests for interface components will only be considered for the new Angular-based UI.

This decision was a joint decision made by Ex Libris and the ELUNA/IGeLU working groups in order to maximize feature development for the Primo application (regression testing for both the classic and new UIs meant all requested features had higher complexity point ratings, leading to fewer features being developed for the product overall). As with all Ex Libris products, the classic UI will continue to be supported, but it will no longer be actively developed.

We will send reminders at the 2-week, 1-week and 1-day marks to remind requestors of the submission deadlines. Should you have any questions, feel free to email this list or email Andy McKinnon ( or Allen Jones ( directly.