Primo/Metalib Working Group chair Allen Jones announced this election on April 16; below is his summary:
I wanted to outline the procedure of the election for two open Leader-at-Large positions within the Primo/MetaLib Working Group. Later on Tuesday, ELUNA NERS account holders at institutions who have the Primo software will receive an email from with a unique URL and access key to ensure that each institution votes once for their 2 preferred candidates. Please ensure your institutional NERS representative receives the email no later than Wednesday morning. Voting will open on Wednesday, April 18. If your NERS representative did not receive an email from, please have them check their spam folders. URLs and access keys can be re-issued by request to
The election closes Wednesday, May 2nd. I will email each candidate at ELUNA about the election results prior to the working group meeting on Thursday, May 3 2018, 10:00am–10:45am at the Birch Ballroom. Please make sure your NERS representative votes on your institution’s behalf. Should you have questions, feel free to email me. Good luck to the candidates.
Allen Jones
Chair, Primo/Metalib Working Group