Primo enhancements – Voting in progress [Voting completed]

Below is the voting kickoff message for the 2018 Primo enhancements cycle, from Allen Jones (Chair, ELUNA Primo PWG) and Andy MacKinnon (Chair, IGeLU Primo PWG) . Note that voting closes at 12:00 AM GMT on April 29.

To the Primo Community,

The 2018 Primo Enhancement voting is now open, and will close on April 29. The voting takes place at

Each member organisation can designate someone to vote using NERS and will need to use their IGeLU or ELUNA organisation ID and password.

The list of organisation IDs and the main contact person for your organisation is here for ELUNA and here for IGeLU If you experience any difficulties logging in to NERS to register your votes, please contact

Each organisation has 100 voting points which can be distributed as you wish between the enhancements.

Thank you to everyone who submitted enhancement requests for this round. The ELUNA and IGeLU Primo Working Groups gathered the enhancements and prepared them for voting. You will notice that some requests are missing from this ballot. We have tried our best to merge similar requests and to omit those requests for which the functionality is already being developed or already on the Ex Libris roadmap for the product. Some requests have been assigned to the Alma voting where they concern Alma functionality only.

Thank you to the the PWGs’ joint Enhancements Team for coordinating and preparing this ballot.

One notable absence is a request to increase the number of results per page in the new UI. This request received a high number of votes in the 2017 ballots, but ExLibris declined to develop it at that point, as they expected it would lead to adverse performance effects. When the request was submitted again this year, we asked ExLibris for an update on the current situation. ExLibris is still working on improving performance for the new UI and is therefore not yet ready to include an option to increase the number of results per page. Once they decide performance optimization has reached a suitable level, however, they will add this option to the new UI, which will bring its configurability into line with the classic UI. Unfortunately, we do not yet have a solid time frame for this. Based on these conversations, the PWGs decided not to include this request on this year’s ballot.

Attached you will find a Microsoft Excel version of the enhancements for internal discussion and use. Please be aware that voting will close promptly at 12:00am GMT on April 29. We hope that the features are clear and understandable. Should you have a question, feel free to contact the enhancement team by sending an email to Knut Anton Bøckman at .