We would like to thank everyone who applied for the volunteer positions of communications liaison to the Steering Committee and Assistant to the Treasurer.
Edgar Garcia from Northwestern University has already started as communications liaison. Edgar will be responsible for social media and ELUNA website maintenance. He will also help us in our deployment of a new web portal for members.
Ellen Jones, from the University of Iowa, has been named the Assistant to the Treasurer. Ellen will be responsible for the deployment of our electronic member services portal, which includes electronic payment of dues, single sign-on of member services (such as the doc portal, NERS logins and automated password changes), and she will also play a role in answering prospective members questions about the benefits of ELUNA membership.
Both Edgar and Ellen hold their termed positions from 2020-2022. Thanks to everyone who applied. There are other positions within the working groups and steering committees as well as additional volunteer opportunities opening in 2020. Please stay tuned to the listserv and Twitter for additional opportunities. We hope you apply.
Congratulations Edgar and Ellen and Welcome!