As the complexity of product development and acquisitions grows, consistent communication across all working groups and to Ex Libris is critical for effective community representation. Examples of this complexity include the relationship of Alma and other SAS applications such as Primo VE, Leganto and Esploro, the impact of the Central Discovery Index (CDI) application on Primo and Summon patron interfaces or the need for robust, but easy-to-use reporting tools for data-driven decision-making in all products. In each of these instances, the lines between ‘products’ have become increasingly fuzzy or ill-defined.
Groups, like the Linked Open Data, Content, Interoperability, and Analytics groups were created to collect deep subject area expertise in specific areas. Their charge has usually centered around strategic goal setting in a particular area, but this is difficult to do without examples from products. In some cases, these two different approaches (cross-product and product-specific) have led to confusion about enhancement and community priorities as multiple groups discuss product development and priorities with Ex Libris.
In order to address this ambiguity, the ELUNA and IGeLU Steering Committees have convened a task force to address improved product communication and enhancement processes. The goal is to increase transparency for the user community and Ex Libris about group scopes and roles. A second goal is to revisit and clarify the original charges/scopes of all IGeLU/ELUNA groups to improve communication across groups and with Ex Libris.
To that end, this task force is examining the following issues:
- What types of groups are necessary to do our work within the two user groups of ELUNA and IGeLU and between the sister user groups;
- What was the original scope of each working group, and how has it changed;
- What is the recommended lifecycle for each type of group? If the scope of work for a group needs to change/expand, what is the review process for change?
- How do working group recommendations (product and non-product) get included within product enhancement workflows, especially in light of the Shared Product Development Agreement?
- How do different group types interact with Ex Libris?
- How do coordinators, working group members, and the community find out about the activities of other groups? Can we normalize communication strategies?
The task force is composed of the following coordinators, chairs, and steering committee members.
- Allen Jones, ELUNA Steering Committee (co-convenor)
- Maribel Alvarado, IGeLU Steering Committee (co-convenor)
- Dave Allen, IGeLU Chair
- Michael North, ELUNA Chair
- Mark Monakey, ELUNA Chair for Medical Libraries Special Interest Group
- Xiaoli Li, Coordinator for Joint Linked Open Data Working Group
- Margaret Briand Wolfe, Coordinator for Joint Analytics Working Group
- Augusto Ribeiro, IGeLU Steering Committee Member
- Christian Hänger, IGeLU Steering Committee Member
- Emily Singley, ELUNA Steering Committee Member
- Corinna Baksik, ELUNA Primo Working Group Chair
- Knut Bøckman, IGeLU Primo Working Group Chair
- Mehmet Celik, Coordinator for the Joint Workflows Working Group
- Betsy Friesen, Coordinator for the Joint Alma Working Group
- Stacey van Groll, Deputy Coordinator for IGeLU Primo Working Group
The group will deliver recommendations to the ELUNA / IGeLU Steering Committees in March 2020. This report will be available within the ELUNA and IGeLU document repositories to interested members for community review.
We encourage community feedback as we navigate these issues. Should you have thoughts, ideas or concerns about how we might improve the structure of IGeLU/ELUNA in these areas, please email We thank you for your input.
Allen Jones, Steering Committee, ELUNA, Co-convenor
Maribel Alvarado, Steering Committee, IGeLU, Co-convenor
Cc: Michael North, Chair, Ex Libris Users of North America
Cc: Dave Allen, Chair, International Group of Ex Libris Users