A note from the ELUNA learns planning team:
Hello, all,
I hope everyone has been enjoying and finding the ELUNA learns series informative and useful thus far! We are working on developing the final sessions, one of which will be 2020 – The Year of Change
2020 has been a year like no other. For the final session of ELUNA’s fall webinar series on December 11 at 1 pm – 4 pm eastern, we are looking for session proposals that address the ways that our libraries have responded to the events of 2020. If your library has developed or revised policies in response to the topics below, we want to hear from you!
– COVID-19 pandemic
– Anti-racism (for ELUNA’s statement on this matter, please see https://el-una.org/2020/06/eluna-sc-reflections-on-juneteenth)
Please submit your proposal by September 25th at https://forms.gle/aDRDmRjZRygn6AWS6. All submissions will receive a response in early October.
If you have any questions, contact the ELUNA learns planning team at elunalearns-planning@exlibrisusers.org