ELUNA learns 2021 series call for proposals is now open! (deadline Feb. 28, 2021)

A note from the ELUNA learns Program Chair:

Dear colleagues,

With the recent news that our spring Annual Meeting will be held online, I am pleased to announce that the ELUNA learns 2021 call for proposals is now open. The 2020 series was widely met with positive response, and despite the circumstances, we are excited to offer this affordable series of educational online programming once again! The 2021 series will be held next throughout June-November with the goal of being held on Wednesdays from 1-4pm Eastern (exact dates TBD).

Now, for an ELUNA learns proposal call, some things stay the same, but many things change from our usual proposal calls. We will continue to utilize ProposalSpace, and proposal submissions will include spell-checked title and abstract, learning outcomes, and applicable Ex Libris products; however, please be advised of the following:

  • There will not be a separate call for content typically presented at Developers Day+ – all developer-related content may be submitted using this submission form
  • The session themes ​are not pre-defined – submitters will be asked to tag their proposals from a list of possible themes that will be used to design the ELUNA learns 2021 lineup
  • Presentation length may be 20 or 40 minutes, depending on speaker preference as indicated in their proposal submission
  • Each presentation will have a maximum of 2 speakers
  • Tips for creating an ELUNA learns proposal can be found at https://el-una.org/eluna-learns/proposal-tips/

The deadline for proposal submission is February 28, 2021. Speakers will receive notifications regarding proposal acceptance by mid-March. If you need additional incentive to submit a proposal, can we entice you with a speaker discount? All speakers will receive complimentary, individual access to the ELUNA learns 2021 series.

To submit a proposal for ELUNA learns 2021 series, please visit https://proposalspace.com/calls/d/1267

ProposalSpace will require you to set up an account using your email address. If you submitted a proposal in past years, you should already have a login. Please be advised that ProposalSpace allows you to start entering your presentation information, save it, and come back later to complete and submit the proposal.

If you have any questions regarding the proposal call, please do not hesitate to send me an email at sbeezley@uco.edu. I am happy to help!


ELUNA learns Program Chair