The Ex Libris Users of North America (ELUNA) is a not-for-profit educational group of users of library software products licensed by Ex Libris. ELUNA members include academic, public, governmental, and corporate libraries from the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean.
Membership in ELUNA is at an institutional level. When an institution joins ELUNA, every staff member at that institution’s library can take advantage of the benefits of membership. Membership at the consortium level provides memberships benefits for staff at all of the libraries that are members of the consortium.
Membership in ELUNA allows your institution to vote on product enhancement ballots and for Steering Committee members. Institutional and consortial memberships grant members a vote on ELUNA matters. You will have one vote on the enhancement ballots for each Ex Libris product you license, and you will be able to run for and vote for ELUNA Steering Committee seats. (Consortial ELUNA members have one vote per consortium membership. Individual institutions that are members of an ELUNA member consortium may chose to also join as an institutional member to have their own vote, should they chose to do so.)
Membership in ELUNA provides staff at member institutions a reduced registration fee at the ELUNA Annual Meeting. Conference attendees hear from Ex Libris management on strategic directions and see previews of upcoming releases. Members share expertise, discuss work flows, and demonstrate locally developed programs. Proceedings of the annual meeting are made available to members via the ELUNA Document Repository.
New for 2024: Membership in ELUNA provides staff at member institutions with free registration for all ELUNA learns sessions held in 2024 and beyond. Session attendees see peer presentations which highlight local expertise with system functions and tools, demonstrate workflows and local configuration, and provide updates on local projects.
Membership in ELUNA provides you access to the ELUNA Document Repository. The Document Repository is a growing archive of ELUNA meeting presentations, newsletters, and more.
Membership provides opportunities for professional development. Members can be elected to leadership roles on the Steering Committee and/or Product Working Groups. Members may be selected to participate in focus groups or working groups established by Ex Libris, ELUNA, or in conjunction with our sister organization, IGeLU, the International Group of Ex Libris Users.
Membership in ELUNA allows you to participate in:
Product Working Groups: Product Working Groups (PWG) represent the interests of users for various Ex Libris products. The PWGs work closely with their IGeLU (international) counterparts to help coordinate enhancements, help with conference planning and solicit information and feedback from membership in support of product development planning.
Regional User Groups:ELUNA Regional User Groups are officially sanctioned groups that encompass a defined geographic territory and represent a significant number of ELUNA member sites. There are currently twelve sanctioned ELUNA Regional User Groups.
Special Interest Groups: Special Interest Groups (SIGs) have a common, focused interest, e.g., Cataloging or Law Libraries. SIGS allow users to share ideas and discuss issues surrounding their topic of interest.