The ELUNA-Announce list is used by the ELUNA Steering Committee to supplement the ELUNA website as a means to distribute announcements to the broader membership of ELUNA.

Anyone who is subscribed to any ELUNA email list (e.g., Voyager-L, SFX-Discuss-L, etc.) is added to ELUNA-ANNOUNCE when the list is updated. Any employee of an institution that licenses at least one Ex Libris product and Ex Libris staff may join ELUNA-ANNOUNCE.

Exceptions to this policy: Exceptions to this policy, e.g., for prospective Ex Libris customers, may be requested in writing. Requests may be directed to the chair of the ELUNA Steering Committee.

Please request subscription from your institutional e-mail address rather than a commercial provider such as gmail, yahoo, etc. The list administrators must verify that each new subscription is from a current Ex Libris customer site. ELUNA-ANNOUNCE may contain sensitive and proprietary information on Ex Libris’ products. Please use your common sense and be careful when and where you forward postings from this list. Thanks!

To subscribe to the ELUNA-Announce list: Please visit the following link:

Or send a blank e-mail to

Please be aware that for your subscription request to be approved, you must be either a current staff member at an institution that has signed a contract for an Ex Libris product, or a current employee of Ex Libris or one of its affiliates.

ELUNA-Announce is archived at the following address:

Please note that you must be a current list subscriber to access these archives.

To unsubscribe from the ELUNA-Announce list:

You can unsubscribe from the ELUNA-Announce list by going to the bottom of this page- and entering your email address.

Alternatively you may send an email to, the content of the message does not matter.