A sub-group from the Analytics Working Group is now meeting monthly with Yoel Kortick and other Ex Libris staff to discuss 1) the issues documented in the Evidence Documents for Alma, Primo and Leganto and 2) other pressing issues in Analytics. After each issue addressed in the Evidence Documents is discussed with Ex Libris an article will be added or edited the new Community Knowledge Center (CKC) documenting the issue and Ex Libris’ response to the issue. In order for any member of the Analytics Working Group to add/edit the CKC articles we are currently working with Ex Libris to get a generic login and password setup for any member of the group to use. This way the articles will not be tied to a single user and will be able to be edited by other group members even if the original author of the article has left the Analytics Working Group.
The group is putting the finishing touches on the Summon Evidence and hope to release it for ELUNA and IGeLU Steering Committee and Working Group review in the next month or two.
Margaret Briand Wolfe, Boston College
Coordinator, Analytics Working Group