At the end of 2024, the membership of the DC Ex Libris User Group (DCExLIBRIS) held a vote on the naming of our regional user group. The membership had long felt that the name did not adequately reflect our membership, which represent Maryland, Virginia, and DC.

Based on the overwheling result of the vote, we would like to be known as the Mid-Atlantic Regional User Group (MARUG) going forward.

Geographical Regions: District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia

Chairs: Shane Hickey and Mary Beth Holm

Past Chairs:

Jackie Saavedra |

Laura Morales |

Denise Branch, Virginia Commonwealth University |

Suzanne Picken – Washington Research Library Consortium |,
Kim Edwards – George Mason University | ; subscribe to the listserv here:


2023 Meeting: November 3, 2023, Virtual

2022 Meeting: October 7, 2022, Virtual

2021 Meeting: October 1, 2021, Virtual

2020 Meeting: September 25, 2020, Virtual

2019 Meeting: September 27, 2019, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

2018 Meeting: September 28, 2018, International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC

2017 Meeting: September 29, 2017, Smithsonian, Washington, DC

2016 Meeting: September 30, 2016, Department of Justice Library, Washington, DC


Last updated February 20, 2025