What is an ELUNA Special Interest Group?

An ELUNA Special Interest Group (commonly known as a SIG) is a group of individuals from Ex Libris customer sites who have a common focused interest in an Ex Libris product or module, or who represent a particular type of library, or who use specific tools with an Ex Libris product.

What is the purpose of a SIG?

SIGs provide customers with similar interests the option to share ideas, discuss issues, and/or collectively provide input to the product enhancement process or the ELUNA Steering Committee.

How are new Special Interest Groups formed?

New SIGs can be established by making a request to the ELUNA Steering Committee. SIGs that are recognized by the ELUNA Steering Committee will be eligible to have a email list, their SIG description on the ELUNA website, and (space permitting) meeting space at the ELUNA Annual Meeting. To request a new SIG, please do the following:

1. Discuss the focus of the proposed SIG with other potential participants. What need will this group fill that is not currently addressed, which Ex Libris products are covered, do you want an email list? Will your SIG want to meet at the ELUNA Annual meeting?
2. Read Article IX of the ELUNA Constitution and Bylaws that pertains to SIGs and their responsibilities.
3. Write to the ELUNA Steering Committee SIG liaison (see contact information below) describing your new SIG request.
4. The ELUNA Steering Committee SIG liaison will contact you about your proposal, and will work with you to get your email list and web description setup.
5. Select a Chair. The Chair be listed on the ELUNA website and is required to annually submit a one paragraph description of the group’s activities.

How does a SIG request a meeting room or lunch table at the ELUNA Annual Meeeting?

Special Interest Groups are encouraged to meet at the ELUNA Annual Meeting. ELUNA conference organizers will try to provide meeting space for any SIG that requests it, space permitting. The ELUNA Steering Committee SIG liaison will contact the SIG leaders at the time the Annual Meeting planning is being done to ask if the SIG wishes to have a meeting room or a lunch table if the group is small. Special Interest Groups meetings at the Annual Meeting may be informal discussions or may include a more formal presentation.

How does a SIG that is no longer active disband?

If a SIG has decided to disband, simply contact the current ELUNA Steering Committee SIG liaison and inform them. The ELUNA Steering Committee SIG liaison will also attempt to contact SIGs that appear to have been inactive for a significant amount of time to see if there is still interest in maintaining the SIG. If there is no longer interest, the Steering Committee will remove the SIG from the list of current SIGs and disable its email list (email archives may be retained.)

How should a SIG communicate with the Steering Committee? How will the SIG be contacted by the Steering Committee?

Each year the ELUNA Steering Committee will appoint a SIG Liaison. This person will serve as the contact for all questions and issues concerning SIGs. The current Steering Committee SIG Liaison is: Emily Singley (emily.singley@bc.edu). If you wish to form a new Special Interest Group, or wish to disband an existing group, the SIG Chair should inform the liaison in timely fashion.