This group is no longer active. This information is retained for archive purposes only.  If you would like to advocate that a group become active again, please contact the ELUNA Steering Committee.

Note: The ARC SIG as well as the ARC Mailing List are still active on the IGeLU website.

Aleph Reporting Center (ARC) Interest Group Notes of the meeting held at ELUNA, Spearfish, South Dakota, June 2007 Jane Aitkens, Chair:

Six members of the ARC Interest Group had a lunch meeting at ELUNA. Ex Libris was represented by Jerry Specht. ARC joins ALEPH data with the Cognos application, both of which are quite complex. When combined in ARC, the result is a sophisticated and often dense environment. Creating ARC reports is not simple; there definitely needs to be ‘experts’ at a site to get the most out of ARC; Those experts need to attend real Cognos training; Heather Hessel from the University of Minnesota recommended 2 days of training, followed by practice in ARC, and then returning to Cognos training with questions after having some time hand-on; ARC is a good topic for a ‘pre-conference’. Many sites seem to need help getting started. A pre-conference could be a basic primer, using real site data; it could cover such things as how to use Ex Libris canned reports as templates; how to create data elements, etc.; Members of the ARC Interest Group were encouraged to share ideas, tips, reports, etc.; Jane Aitkens will investigate with Marcus Zerbst of IGeLU the procedures for depositing documents on the IGeLU webpages for ARC:

Current Leader: Gwyneth Duncan,

Last Updated: December 5, 2016