This group is no longer active. This information is retained for archive purposes only. If you would like to advocate that a group become active again, please contact the ELUNA Steering Committee.
The Aleph X-Services Special Interest Group first met at ELUNA 2007. There were approximately 20 individuals in attendance. One topic of discussion was how the enhancement process should work. It was recommended that the SIG work with the Aleph Product Working Group as well as share and request ideas via the ELUNA-ALEPH-XSERVER list. There was a consensus to push for standardization of x-server syntax & semantics across products; It was agreed that a SIG of this nature is worthwhile and should meet annually at ELUNA as well as leverage the list and other method in order to communicate ideas for use and enhancements along with assisting each other with troubleshooting.
Current Leader: Greg Lee,
Updated December 5, 2016