This group is no longer active. This information is retained for archive purposes only. If you would like to advocate that a group become active again, please contact the ELUNA Steering Committee.
The MetaLib X-Server SIG met at ELUNA 2007. Approximately 25 people attended. John Little moderated the meeting and started by sharing slides of the alpha X-Server development at Duke University. This presentation spawned a lively round-robin discussion where other participants shared and discussed their efforts with X-Server. Best practices and functional needs were discussed. Jonathan Rochkind mentioned the need to share X-Server code. Dale Snap offered space on a hosted ELUNA Wiki to help facilitate X-Server communication and code sharing. This discussion was followed with a presentation by Karen Groves. Karen reviewed the X-Server enhancements expected with the delivery of MetaLib version 4. The group will meet again at the next annual meeting and will continue to work with Karen Groves, as well as convene on the X-Server listserv: METALIB-XSERVER-L@LISTSERV.UCOP.EDU
Contact: David Walker,
Last updated: December 5, 2016