This group is no longer active. This information is retained for archive purposes only.  If you would like to advocate that a group become active again, please contact the ELUNA Steering Committee.

The Voyager Law Special Interest Group (Law SIG) promotes information sharing about the Voyager ILS, as well as other Ex-Libris products and services, particularly as they affect law libraries and libraries with law-related holdings. The Law SIG provides a forum for airing concerns, educating one another, exchanging information, and proposing formal product enhancements that serve the needs of law users. Interest tends to focus on Voyager (WebVoyage, circulation, acquisitions, and cataloging), but increasingly includes other Ex-Libris products.

The Law SIG traditionally has met twice a year, at Endeavor EndUser each April and at the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Annual Meeting each July. Its most recent meeting was held in July 2007 at the AALL meeting in New Orleans. It will continue to meet at the AALL Annual Meeting, and will experiment with meeting at the annual ELUNA conference, depending on the number of Law SIG members who are able to attend.

The Law SIG maintains an email discussion forum. Those wishing to subscribe should send an email to Do not include anything in the subject line. Include a message containing the single word “subscribe” (no quotes). Do not include anything else in the message (such as your signature block); it may cause the request to fail.

Co-chairs: Ruth Funabiki,; Cindy May,

Last updated: December 5, 2016