Habib Tabatabai Chair, Liaison to NERS, Liaison to IGeLU
Executive Director
Chambers Library
University of Central Oklahoma
100 N. University Dr.
Edmond, OK 73034
Phone: 405-974-2865
e-mail: htabatabai@uco.edu
Term: 2012-2017
Products: Alma, bX, Primo

Amira Aaron Liaison to Alma Product Working Group, Conference Sponsorship Liaison
Associate Dean, Scholarly Resources
Northeastern University Libraries
320 Snell Library
360 Huntington Ave.
Boston, MA. 02115
Products: Alma, bX, Primo

Pascal CalarcoSecretary; Website Content Coordinator; Liaison to Aleph & SFX Product Working Groups
Associate University Librarian, Research and Digital Discovery Services
University of Waterloo/Tri University Group
Phone: 519-888-4567 x38215
e-mail: pvcalarco@uwaterloo.ca
Term: 2013-2016
Products: bX, Primo, SFX, SFX MarcIT, Voyager

Edward M. CorradoWebmaster; Document Repository Manager; Liaison to Digitool Product Working Group; Liaison to Rosetta Advisory Committee; Mailing List Manager
Associate Dean, Library Technology Planning and Policy
University of Alabama Libraries
Box 870266
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266
Phone: 205-348-8647
Term: 2013-2016
Products: Voyager

F. Tracy Farmer – Liaison to Voyager Product Working Group, SIG/RUG Liaison, Mailing List manager
Systems Librarian
Arkansas State University – Jonesboro
Phone: (870) 680-4312
e-mail: TFARMER@astate.edu
Term: 2013-2016
Products: Voyager, ILL Module, Media Module

John Greer Past-Chair; Webmaster; Liaison to Support; Mailing List Manager
Head, Systems and Technology Services
University of Montana
Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library
Missoula, MT 59812
Phone: 406-243-2539
e-mail: john.greer@umontana.edu
Term: 2010-2016
Products: bX, Primo, SFX, Voyager

Suzanne Julich (Ex Officio) – Treasurer
Head, Library Information Technology
University of Iowa Libraries
5023 MAIN Library
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: 319-335-5032
Fax: 319-335-5900
e-mail: suzanne-julich@uiowa.edu
Products: ALEPH, bX, MetaLib, Primo, SFX

Sherrie KristinConference Program Lead
Administrator for Library Enterprise Applications
Purdue University Calumet
2200 169th Street Powers 224i
Hammond, IN 46323
Phone: 219-989-3243
Fax: 219-989-2755
Products: Alma, Metalib, Primo, SFX, Voyager

Laura Morse – Conference Logistics Lead, Liaison to Verde/UStat Product Working Group, Conference Logistics Lead
Director, Library Systems
Harvard University
Library Technology Services
90 Mt. Auburn Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: 617-495-3724
Fax: 617-496-5600
e-mail: laura_morse@harvard.edu
Term: 2009-2017
Products: Aleph, bX, MetaLib, Primo, SFX, Verde

Michael NorthLiaison to Primo Product Working Group
Lead, Systems Team
Northwestern University
Phone: 847-491-6577
e-mail: m-north@northwestern.edu
Term: 2013-2016
Products: bX, MetaLib, Primo, SFX, Voyager