Habib Tabatabai Chair, Liaison to NERS and IGeLU
Executive Director
Chambers Library
University of Central Oklahoma
100 N. University Dr.
Edmond, OK 73034
Phone: 405-974-2865
e-mail: htabatabai@uco.edu
Term: 2012-2018
Products: Alma, bX, Primo

Amira Aaron Conference Sponsorship Liaison, Liaison to Analytics SIWG
Associate Dean, Scholarly Resources
Northeastern University Libraries
320 Snell Library
360 Huntington Ave.
Boston, MA. 02115
Phone: 617-373-4961
e-mail: a.aaron@neu.edu
Products: Alma, bX, Primo

Al CornishLiaison to Alma PWG, Document Repository Manager, Secretary
Program Manager
Orbis Cascade Alliance
2288 Oakmont Way
Eugene, Or 97401
Phone: 541-246-2470 ext. 204
e-mail: acornish@orbiscascade.org
Term: 2016-2019
Products:Alma, bX, Primo

Judy Drescher Co-Liaison to Summon/360 PWG, Liaison to Voyager PWG, Liaison to RUGs / SIGs
Library Director
Molloy College
Kellenberg Building, 2nd floor
1000 Hempstead Avenue
Rockville Centre, New York 11571-5002
Phone: 516.323.3925
e-mail: jdrescher@molloy.edu
Term: 2016-2019
Products: Voyager, Summon, 360 Link

John Greer Liaison to Rosetta User Group, Aleph PWG and Support, Mailing List Manager, Website Content Coordinator
Head, Systems and Technology Services
University of Montana
Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library
Missoula, MT 59812
Phone: 406-243-2539
e-mail: john.greer@umontana.edu
Term: 2016-2019
Products: bX, Primo, SFX, Voyager

Paul JosephCo-Liaison to Summon/360 PWG and KBAB SIWG, Liaison to Linked Data SIWG
Systems Librarian
UBC Library
Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
1961 East Mall
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z1
Phone: 604-827-5132
e-mail: paul.joseph@ubc.ca
Term: 2016-2019
Products: Voyager, Summon, 360 Link, 360 Resource Manager, 360 MARC Updates, Intota Assessment

Suzanne Julich (Ex Officio) – Treasurer
Head, Library Information Technology
University of Iowa Libraries
5023 MAIN Library
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: 319-335-5032
Fax: 319-335-5900
e-mail: suzanne-julich@uiowa.edu
Products: ALEPH, bX, MetaLib, Primo, SFX

Laura MorseConference Logistics Lead, Co-Liaison to KBAB SIWG, Liaison to SFX PWG
Director, Library Systems
Harvard University
Library Technology Services
90 Mt. Auburn Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: 617-495-3724
e-mail: laura_morse@harvard.edu
Term: 2009-2017
Products: Aleph, bX, MetaLib, Primo, SFX, Verde

Michael NorthChair-elect, Liaison to Interoperability SIWG and Primo PWG
Team Lead, Discovery Platform Services
Northwestern University
Phone: 847-491-6577
e-mail: m-north@northwestern.edu
Term: 2013-2020
Products: bX, Primo, Alma, PCI