Please note that VOYAGER-L and its archives were moved from the University of Notre Dame in January, 2017.
This list provides a forum for sharing tips, comments, and questions about the Voyager system for use by Ex Libris Voyager customers. The mailing list is hosted by ELUNA. The list is not moderated and while Ex Libris does not control the content of the list, it is monitored by Ex Libris staff members who contribute to the list on occasion.
You may subscribe to Voyager-L here. Please note that only subscription requests from your institutional email account are permitted; commercial email accounts e.g., Google, Yahoo etc. are not allowed to subscribe. Your institution must also own at least one Ex Libris product. The archives of the listserv may be found here:
If you ever want to unsubscribe or change your options (eg, switch to or from digest mode, change your password, etc.), visit your subscription page at:
You can also make such adjustments via email by sending a message to:
The web interface to Voyager-L and other maintained product lists are available at: