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ELUNA Learns Alma Data Session Q & A
Is it possible for repository search facets to “stick” so they can be retained when searching for additional items? I haven’t seen this option and want to confirm that it doesn’t exist.
Not exactly, but there is a sort of workaround. If you look at the top of the search results screen there will be some blue text that details what your search parameters were. You can click on that text and it will open back up the search window and will populate all the fields with your search parameters. If you want to be able to reuse those search facets beyond that search you can also save your query (there will be a button to do that in the upper right corner of your results screen). The query will be saved as a set, but in the Manage Sets page if you click on the ellipsis button next to the set name, one of the options is “Results”. If you click on that you’ll be sent to the query’s search results page — complete with the blue text at the top of the screen that can be clicked on to repopulate the search parameters.
Can you please show how to get to the filter again?
The filter steps are:
1. Go to MD Editor, click on the Indication Rules tab, and create a rule for your filter (more detailed steps here:
2. Go to Manage Sets and find the set you’ll be filtering
3. Click on the ellipsis button at the end of the set name and choose “Filter” (this will only be visible for All Titles and Physical Titles sets)
4. Choose the indication rule created in step 1,
What is your strategy if the export limit is over (i.e. 10K), as you mentioned in one of the slides?
The export limit is actually 100K, so you have a larger limit to work with, but generally if I’m looking at more than 100K records I’ll go to Analytics. There are some workarounds for certain search areas if Analytics isn’t an option (e.g. you can export files of bibliographic records and extract data from them using MarcEdit), but Analytics will usually be your best bet.
Can you describe the advanced search you did to get the language codes?
Sarah Theimer: In advanced search do an all title search for the title is not empty.
Will we have access to re-watch the sessions later? and what about copies of the slides?
Laura Morse: Yes, the videos are available to re-watch about 24 hours after the sessions to registered users. The slides will be posted in the ELUNA document repository soon for ELUNA member access.
Can you explain a bit more on one slide ‘Widget display from bad diacritics indication rule’ — how do you get this display as a daily routine when you get to work?
Sarah Theimer: In Alma Analytics I have a report that identifies bad diacritics. I went into design analytics and created a widget from that report. I then selected the widget to appear on my dashboard.
Does Alma have a setting for importing diacritics correctly?
Sarah Theimer: The default Encoding Format in an Import Profile is UTF-8 (UTF8). However, some vendors provide bib records in ISO-8859-1 (ISO8859_1). It is important to set the import profile to the actual encoding of the files which are loaded to Alma. To avoid diacritic importing errors you need to know the Encoding format of the data you are importing and double check that the import profile is set to that Encoding Format.
Is there a good method to extract 10 records from a larger set, for the testing purposes?
You can export the set to Excel and choose 10 records from the spreadsheet. Or you could browse through the set and randomly choose 10 records.
I think one lesson I’ve learned is not to run a process on a giant set on a Friday afternoon.
Yes norm rules can take a long time so it helps to get your set as small as possible. Also, jobs run faster during off-peak hours (nights and weekends).
For the Marc21 Bib normalize on save function – we have an existing set of rules for this set up ; so can we keep adding norm rules to this process indefinitely as we find new things we want to correct?
Yes, you should be able to add additional tasks to the normalize on save process. I don’t know if there is a limit, but it should be able to handle at least several.
Does UCO participate in any shared retention agreements and does this impact your withdrawal workflows?
Anona Earls: UCO does not currently participate in shared retention agreements — with the exception of those pertaining to our participation in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). For Federal document weeding, we need to submit our item lists to our regional depository library in order to offer to other FDLs. If no other FDLs have a need for our deselections after the designated offer period, we can then proceed with the remainder of the withdrawal process.
Is the temp location “Deselection” suppressed from Discovery? So users won’t see items that are about to be weeded?
Anona Earls: Our temporary “Deselection” location is not suppressed from discovery. Our month-long deselection period allows faculty and other users a chance to request retention, so we leave the location visible to indicate status as well as temporary physical location.
Is it tedious to do step 4 remove unsuppressed records manually from the set?
Anona Earls: Removing unsuppressed records manually from the set is indeed one of the more tedious steps. However, Alma’s display does make it fairly easy to identify these records when scrolling through the list. Additionally, for very large sets, a spreadsheet can be downloaded as an alternate way to visualize the list of records.
How do you keep track of titles that have multiple holdings or parts in a collection? Do you only withdrawal once everything under the title has been added to the set?
Anona Earls: We do withdraw items from bibs with multiple parts even when some parts are retained, although much of what is deselected tends to be monographs. At this stage, since the multi-part situation is less common, we are able to record such titles while going through the withdrawal steps and then update these manually as an added step before completing the process.
How do you handle bibliographic/holding records that have a PO attached?
Anona Earls: We go ahead and delete the bib records even if they have a PO attached.