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ELUNA Learns User Experience Session Q & A

I share the issue that you described using the OAI method for ingesting LibGuides is that the date for the guide is the original date for creation, not the date last updated. Is there any way to address this other than hiding the date? (I.e. could the updated date be added to the DC metadata?)

Talia Richards: Each LibGuide has the following DC tags: DC.Date.Created and DC.Date.Modified. So we already have a DC tag for date modified added to each LibGuide. I would check your Primo pipes integration to ensure that it is ingesting that DC.Date.Modified tag.

We have an Alma Analytic (Oracle BI) that lists new acquisitions. What is the best way to put this list into a LibGuide?

Talia Richards: We do have an RSS feed asset type in LibGuides. If you can spit out this list in an RSS feed format, you can embed that into a LibGuides using that asset type. Another option is to use the widget/code area and if Alma Analytics can share that list via some type of embeddable code/widget – that’s another option.

Do you know the institution Talia used to demonstrate the slider of eBooks that was in a libguide?

Talia Richards: Yes, that was ETSU. Christian and Travis shared with me what they had done.,

Did you have to get IRB approval prior to your study and in order to use your videos in the presentation?

Judy Meirose: Yes, all user studies performed by the usability students are covered by an IRB.

What work have you done on the Primo VE interface based on the study findings? What will you do first?

Judy Meirose: No changes as of yet. I just forwarded the information to the librarians responsible for the Primo VE interface.

Were there results from the study that you didn’t expect?

Judy Meirose: Yes, I thought the participants would have more difficulty finding the full text of journal articles. I was surprised they didn’t have more problems with the authentication software.

Have you implemented any of the changes?

Judy Meirose: Not yet.

What program or class are the engineering students in?

Judy Meirose: The Department of Technical Communication in the Mercer University School of Engineering 

Is the non-proactive survey currently running any different from the one in the pilot study? Same questions?

Matthew Black: The non-proactive survey is currently running with the same question set from the pilot. We will be updating the question set in September to prepare for the second proactive period in October 2021.

Can you show you primo and where the link to the survey is?

Matthew Black: The survey can be accessed from

If you have cookies or “local storage” disabled in your browser, the intercept will not load. Qualtrics’ FAQ states that “if your visitor has local storage turned off, features based on these cookies…do not fire.”

Are there specific changes to Primo you plan to implement based upon your findings?

Matthew Black: We used the pilot to get a sense of areas we need to further consider and investigate. From the initial results we have develop a list of recommendations that our Primo Working Group will work through. Here are our main recommendations based on the feedback collected from the pilot.

Explore more “point of need” support or training for Primo searching.
•  Action: Primo Working Group to review current “point of need” support in Primo and will investigate alternative ways to provide this–for example, chat pop-up for zero results, video tutorials         for common tasks.

Implement new results page pagination when released.
•  Action: Primo Working Group to test update in Primo sandbox and implement before September 2021.

Examine language on Primo search pages (labels, scopes, etc.).
•  Action: Primo Working Group to monitor future surveys for consistent points of ambiguity related to language used in Primo search pages and will suggest or implement improvements.

Improve language used in Primo to communicate item availability.
•  Action: Primo Working Group to review display options and language used in Primo to communicate item availability, and will suggest and implement improvements.

Continue to work to resolve browser security and linking issues.
•  Action: Continue to work with LCR Collections, LCR IT and Ex Libris to resolve issues. Escalate cases as necessary.

Clarify access and licensing for user groups.
•  Action: Primo Working Group to review current display of access and licensing information/restrictions for user groups and suggest and will implement improvements.

How soon after this session has ended will the recording be made available?

Shay Beezley: It is usually about a couple weeks or so. I believe we notify attendees when it is available.