Thank you for volunteering to speak at ELUNA 2023 in Los Angeles, California! The conference is a success because people like you are willing to share your expertise with your colleagues.
By Feb. 24: Complete the speaker agreement form sent through ProposalSpace.
By Mar. 23: Register for ELUNA 2023 by this date to receive your speaker discount. No discounts will be provided for registrations made after this date. You will be provided with information on how to redeem your speaker discount the week prior to when registration opens.
March 29 or April 5: Attend a virtual speaker orientation.
By May 9: To enable access by attendees, presenters must upload slides for their sessions to Sched (used for the ELUNA meeting calendar, all registrants will receive an invite-only link in April) prior to their presentations. These presentation slide decks and materials will be loaded to the ELUNA Document Repository after the conference. Any extensions or exceptions must receive prior approval from the Program Committee Chair.
May 10-12: ELUNA Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, CA. We’re looking forward to your presentation!
Health and Safety
More information about health and safety measures is forthcoming.
Presenters’ Tips
Be sure to review the Presenter’s Tips!
For all other inquiries regarding the presenter process for ELUNA 2023, please email Shay Beezley, Program Committee Chair, at