The Law Libraries SIG shares information regarding the use of ExLibris products, primarily Alma, to manage law library collections, including e-resource collections. Meeting annually at ELUNA, the SIG is active year-round via the AlmaLawSIG listserv and scheduled webinars. Information is also shared among SIG members via a wiki at
While the majority of the members of the Law Libraries SIG are at institutions using or migrating to Alma, law librarians using any Ex Libris products are welcome to attend these meetings and participate on the listserv. Recent discussion topics have included managing online legal research resources in Alma and how to advocate for better representation of legal research resources in the Alma Community Zone. Members of the SIG are also seeking advice in the migration process and the implementation of Alma workflows within their institutions.
The Law Libraries SIG provides opportunities for law librarians (both technical and public services types) to get to know each other and to network both formally and informally.
Current Leadership:
Co-Chair: Trina Holloway, College of Law Library, Georgia State University,
Co-Chair: Jennifer Garafolo, Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library, UCLA,
Law Libraries SIG liaison to Content Working Group: Christopher Thomas, Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library, UCLA,
The Law Libraries SIG meets annually at ELUNA or virtually as needed.
Past Meetings:
Virtual SIG meeting in 2020
ELUNA 2019 in Atlanta, GA
ELUNA 2018 in Spokane, WA
ELUNA 2016 in Oklahoma City, OK. The presenter at that session was Ruth Funabiki of the University of Idaho.
Last updated: Feb 6, 2023