Voyager Product Group Election: Call for Candidates

The Voyager Product Group (VPG) needs candidates to step forward to run for election as Leaders-at-Large. Candidates must work at an institution which is an ELUNA member and which licenses Voyager, and should have a strong knowledge of Voyager, the ability to organize and communicate with others, time, and an interest in and willingness to work on Voyager-related projects, especially enhancements. Consider nominating yourself or someone else who has the qualities and the desire to serve. *The deadline is February 19th, 2010*.

Please send names and contact information by February 19 to and PLEASE put ELUNA VPG nominee as the subject line! Thanks very much for your cooperation. If you have questions, just ask.

The VPG serves as the primary voice for Voyager issues within the ELUNA organization. This is YOUR product, and YOUR user group. Make your voice heard! A full description of the product group and a roster of the current leaders are available on the ELUNA web site, at

Leaders are elected to serve for a term of two years, which begins immediately upon conclusion of the ELUNA conference. Leaders to be elected this spring shall serve from May 2010 through the conclusion of the 2012 ELUNA conference. Product Group Leaders meet monthly via conference call. Communication is primarily handled electronically, but it is hoped that leaders are able to attend the annual ELUNA conference.