ELUNA Leganto Working Group is forming
The Ex Libris Users of North America (ELUNA) Steering Committee is excited to announce the startup of the ELUNA Leganto Working Group (WG). The ELUNA Leganto WG will officially commence in January 2018 and will have it’s first “in-person” meeting at the ELUNA 2018 conference (May 1-4) in Spokane, Washington. We are very fortunate to announce that the first chair of the ELUNA Leganto WG will be Carl Grant (Associate Dean, Knowledge Services & Chief Technology Officer, University of Oklahoma Libraries). Carl is very knowledgeable about Leganto and brings a lot of experience in working with Ex Libris management.
Benefits of an ELUNA Leganto WG to the ELUNA User Community
There are many benefits that the Leganto Working Group will provide to the user community. The Leganto mailing list is a valuable resource for users of the product through it’s ability to help share ideas and issues and workarounds that have been identified. The Leganto WG will coordinate the enhancement process with the IGeLU Leganto WG and Ex Libris. They will develop sessions of interest at the annual ELUNA conferences. They will communicate with other WG’s that have an impact on Leganto, such as the IGeLU Leganto WG, Alma, Analytics, and Interoperability Working Groups. The WG will communicate directly with Ex Libris management to share and communicate issues of interest to the ELUNA community.
In the past, Carl Grant has authored Leganto Customer profiles on the ELUNA website and one of the questions he asked Leganto customers was : “How can the Leganto Working Group best be of help to you, the Leganto customer?” Some responses are below:
Coordinating our voices, helping us understand how to focus our needs to match areas of development being undertaken by Ex Libris .… and finally helping us smooth our methodology for delivering input to Ex Libris in a way that seeks an optimal return on the time we spend in doing this work.
We would like to hear about the experiences of others who have already implemented the service.
Information sharing on lists and at meetings, creation of best practices and tips from expert users.
Sharing the lessons learned is the biggest help. Finding out what went well and didn’t helps us to avoid the same issues in our processes.
Sharing case studies/success stories and technology strategies for integrations and API use?
How to become a member of the ELUNA Leganto Working Group
It is one of the priorities of the ELUNA Steering Committee to provide the user community with Ex Libris product involvement through various working groups and to provide leadership opportunities within these activities. If you are involved with your institutions Leganto product, and would like to be involved with the ELUNA Leganto Work Group, please send your name and background information to both of the following people :
Carl Grant (carl.grant@ou.edu)
Michael North (m-north@northwestern.edu)
Working Group FAQ
There is a Working Group FAQ that provides additional general information relating to ELUNA WG’s: https://el-una.org/working-groups/product-group-faq/
Mailing Lists
Leganto-L email discussion group is hosted jointly by ELUNA and IGeLU. Subscription is open to Ex Libris customers and to employees of Ex Libris and/or its affiliates and resellers. Details on how to subscribe to the Leganto Listserv can be found at: