ELUNA 2019 proposals are due! Deadline Dec. 21, 2018

A final call for ELUNA 2019 proposals from Shay Beezley, ELUNA 2019 Program Committee chair:

The Program Committee eagerly awaits your proposals for ELUNA 2019! We are still looking for proposals for all tracks, especially Summon/360, Leganto, Rosetta, Voyager, Aleph, Content, and General / Strategy.

The current “discovery” challenge for libraries is the struggle to harness all of the data available to them. Lorcan Dempsey summarized this challenge in a 2012 article, “previously, information was scarce and attention abundant, but now it is the other way around.” Changes in the library environment magnify this struggle of harnessing data. For example, the advent of institutional applications such as Esploro and CampusM, which fall outside the standard library programs, integrates the library more fully into the campus-wide environment than ever before. Additionally, the arrival of artificial intelligence, as seen with AI integration in Alma, may greatly impact libraries and their services to patrons.

ELUNA 2019 will convene at the Hilton Atlanta in downtown Atlanta, GA on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 – Friday, May 3, 2019. In addition to presentations about how your institution has used Ex Libris products, we welcome our user community to join us in Atlanta and demonstrate their libraries’ responses to these new influences on library services via Ex Libris products and integration with third-party applications to harness the data all around us. For hotel rates and local information, please visit https://el-una.org/meetings/eluna-2019/

The deadline for proposal submission is December 21, 2018. Speakers will receive notifications regarding proposal acceptance in early January and will have up until the beginning of February to make any edits to their proposal content. If you need additional incentive to submit a proposal, can we entice you with a speaker discount? All speakers receive $100 off their registration!

For more information and proposal submission, please visit https://proposalspace.com/calldetails/917

ProposalSpace will require you to set up an account using your email address. If you submitted a proposal in past years, you should already have a login. Please be advised that ProposalSpace allows you to start entering your presentation information, save it, and come back later to complete and submit the proposal.

The ELUNA Developers Day+ call is now open. The event will be held on April 29-30, 2019. For more details and to submit a proposal, please visit https://proposalspace.com/calls/d/918

If you have any questions regarding the proposal call, please do not hesitate to send me an email at sbeezley@uco.edu. I am happy to help!

Thank you on behalf of the ELUNA 2019 Program Committee,