Feb 7: ELUNA Steering Committee Nominations Due

As this year’s term of service for steering committee members comes to a close, we are looking for ELUNA community members to join one of three open positions on the Steering Committee. The role of the Steering Committee is to manage the overall community relationship with Ex Libris and represent the community on strategic initiatives across products.

Terms for newly elected steering committee members begin in May 2022 and will extend through the Annual Meeting in 2025.  Candidates should submit their nomination materials no later than Monday, February 7.  The email address to submit your application is elunasc-nominations@exlibrisusers.org.

Requirements of nominees: When preparing your nomination for the ELUNA Steering committee, please keep in mind that all nominees must:   

  • Be employed by an institution with a consortia or institution ELUNA membership in good standing.  
  • Be active in the ELUNA community through participation, presentation, or working group/community of practice activities
  • Have demonstrated leadership experience within the field, either within their institution, ELUNA or other professional organization
  • Have administrative and financial support from their home institution, if they should be elected.  
  • Administrative Support:  the institution must support the time commitment required to serve on the Steering Committee (see below).   
  • Financial Support:  While the Steering Committee will pay much of the incurred costs associated with Steering Committee work, a portion of those costs needs to be covered by the institution as part of their commitment to the ELUNA organization. The percentage of “institutional costs” changes from year to year depending on the financial position of ELUNA

Time commitment: Elected ELUNA Steering Committee members are expected to spend approximately 2-3 hours on “ELUNA work” per week (as a minimum), depending on their portfolio. In addition, they are required to attend regular call meetings (including monthly Steering Committee meetings, Working Group meetings, periodic calls with Ex Libris Management, and focus group meetings).  Members must attend the annual ELUNA Meeting (8 days) as well as the mid-year ELUNA Retreat meeting (3 days). The annual meeting and the retreat may be in-person or virtual.

Nomination materials: The package for nominations is comprised of the following documents:

  1. A written statement of purpose and potential contribution to the ELUNA community
  2. A letter of institutional support from the nominee’s library administration as evidence of required administrative and financial support
  3. A selection of links to presentations/publications you have contributed at the ELUNA Annual meeting/ELUNA Learns or other library conference venues (ALA, Charleston, ER&L, CNI, NISO Plus, IFLA, Canadian Library Conferences, OALT, AMBEC, etc.)
  4. A 3-5 minute video statement for the nominations committee answering the following questions: 
    1. What projects have you participated in that have had an impact at your library or within the professional library community? What role did you have in those projects?
    2. What new initiatives would you like ELUNA to engage in with Ex Libris?
    3. How can you personally contribute towards those or existing ELUNA initiatives?
    4. How have you promoted the awareness of ELUNA at your institution?

No member institution may have more than one representative on the Steering Committee. If two or more nominations for staff from the same institution are received, we will contact the individuals and ask them to decide who will be the nominee. If neither individual is willing to withdraw, the Nominating Committee will determine which name to put forth for voting. 

The Nominations Committee is responsible for selecting candidates to run for Steering Committee positions. The Steering Committee is committed to representing the diversity of the ELUNA membership and considers factors such as gender, institution type & size, library role, and product background experience in selecting individuals for the ballot. Therefore, not all those who are nominated will appear on the ballot. 

We hope you consider running in the 2022 election!