Consortium CoP

Shared Print Actions MARC Terminology

The shared print community has long relied on the OCLC Shared Print Metadata Guidelines to disclose retention commitments in local and national systems which is based on Preservation & Digitization Actions: Terminology for MARC 21 […]

Alma PWG

Loving Enhancements!

It’s February – the month of Valentines, the Super Bowl, and Alma enhancement review! The Alma Working Group (WG) is currently reviewing 241 enhancement requests! Each of these enhancements was submitted by members of the […]

General News

ELUNA 2024 Membership Dues

ELUNA introduced the ELUNA learns series in 2020 to increase opportunities for peer learning online throughout the year. The series provides a venue for members who cannot attend in-person events to share their knowledge with the larger community. The […]