The Ex Libris Users of North America (ELUNA) Leganto Working Group (WG) began work in January 2018. In close collaboration with the IGeLU Leganto Working Group, the Working Group prepares the yearly Leganto NERS ballot, assists with conference planning, and works with Ex Libris management on developing focus groups. Past focus groups included the Purchase Request Integrations, UX, and Librarian Analytics Dashboard focus groups.

There are many benefits that the Leganto Working Group will provide to the user community. The Leganto mailing list is a valuable resource for users of the product through it’s ability to help share ideas and issues and workarounds that have been identified. The Leganto WG will coordinate the enhancement process with the IGeLU Leganto WG and Ex Libris. They will develop sessions of interest at the annual ELUNA conferences. They will communicate with other WG’s that have an impact on Leganto, such as the IGeLU Leganto WG, Alma, Analytics, and Interoperability Working Groups. The WG will communicate directly with Ex Libris management to share and communicate issues of interest to the ELUNA community.

Current Members

  • Jamen McGranahan, Vanderbilt University, Coordinator 2023-2025
  • Stacey Beach, Southern Methodist University
  • Alysa Hernandez, California State University San Marcos
  • Emily McLoughlin, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
  • Joseph Montibello, Dartmouth College
  • Erin Sharwell, University of Pennsylvania
  • Becky Smith, Memorial University of Newfoundland
  • Henry Steele, Tufts University
  • Kara Young, Harvard University
  • Ryan Edwards, ELUNA Steering Committee Liaison, 2025-2026

Coordinator Biography


Current Enhancement Process and Dates


Current Roadmap /Action Plan


Mailing List

Leganto-L email discussion group is hosted jointly by ELUNA and IGeLU. Subscription is open to Ex Libris customers that have Leganto, and to employees of Ex Libris and/or its affiliates and resellers. Details on how to subscribe to Leganto-L can be found at:


The ELUNA and IGeLU Leganto Working Groups produce webinars covering topics of interest to the user community. See a list here:

Term of Reference


Focus Groups


Annual Reports


Additional Documentation
