The RapidILL Working Group consists of a team of library professionals who provide representation of the resource sharing community to Ex Libris Product Management. The working group is charged with carrying out a yearly enhancement vote in collaboration with the Rapido Working Groups, supporting the yearly ELUNA User Group Meeting, liaising with the Ex Libris Product Team, and building a strong community.

Current Members

Current Enhancement Process and Dates

The 2024 enhancement process for RapidILL and Rapido has completed.  All three enhancements have been delivered!

  • RAENH-I-1179 : Rapido to parse more volume formats for multivolume works or to provide dropdown for patrons to select multivolume work to be requested (15 dev points)
  • RAENH-I-1181 : Rapido: Closing Periods: Due Dates & Renewals (30 dev points)
  • RAENH-I-1253 : Reject Reasons customizable (15 dev points)

The new 2025 process and timeline are below.

March 17 Announce the process begins April 1st
April 1 Go Live for accepting enhancement requests
April 30 Last chance to submit new enhancement requests for this year’s voting in Aha!
May 1-30 The Enhancements Team reviews, dedupes, scopes, verifies, transfers to other Aha! workgroups when necessary, and sets up the vote
June 2-30 First round of voting
July 1-11 The Enhancements Team reviews the results, and prepares them for Ex Libris to assign complexity points
July 14-25 Ex Libris adds complexity points to the top voted results
July 28-Aug 8 Extra time assigned for clarification with Ex Libris
August 11-Sept 5 Second round of voting (if necessary)

Current Roadmap / Action Plan

RapidILL Roadmap 2024-2025

Mailing Lists

RapidILL Listserv:

RapidILL ListServ Archives:

RapidILL Working Group bylaws and terms of commitment
1. All members must be Ex Libris users and members of ELUNA.
2. Members serve a minimum 1-year term, while the Chair and Deputy Chair serve a minimum of 2 years.
3. Membership vacancies will be advertised through the RapidILL email list.

Annual Reports

As a newer working group, we don’t yet have reports to share but anticipate some for 2025.

Additional Documentation