Thank you for volunteering to speak at ELUNA 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia! The conference is a success because people like you are willing to share your expertise with your colleagues.
By Feb. 8: Confirm your acceptance by emailing your track lead. To identify your session’s track lead, please visit ELUNA 2019 Track Lead Confirmation.
By Feb. 15: Last date to provide any edits to your session’s title, abstract, or speakers. Login to ProposalSpace and review your proposal details for accuracy. You may receive an email from your track lead asking for edits as well.
By Mar. 15: Register for one of the two speaker orientations. These will be webinars held in late March-early April. Dates and registration info will be provided in your notice of your session’s assigned timeslot / room.
By Mar. 29: Register for ELUNA 2019 by this date to receive your speaker discount. No discounts will be provided for registrations made after this date.
By April 30: To enable access by attendees, presenters must upload slides for their sessions to Sched (used for the ELUNA meeting calendar, all registrants will receive an invite-only link in April) prior to their presentations. These presentation slide decks and materials will be loaded to the ELUNA Document Repository after the conference. Any extensions or exceptions must receive prior approval from the Program Committee Chair.
Virtual Speaker Orientation
Instead of an in-person orientation the first morning of ELUNA, speakers will have the option to sign up for one of two webinars. Dates and registration info are forthcoming.
Presenter’s Tips
Be sure to review the Presenter’s Tips — and if you already have in the past, please re-review as extensive updates were made for 2019!
- Preparing Your Presentation
- Visuals / Slides
- Hardware, Software and Network Connections
- Presentation Skills
- Talk to Your Track Lead
- Sched
- What to Do at ELUNA
Track Leads
To identify your session’s track lead, please visit ELUNA 2019 Track Lead Confirmation. Your proposal ID can be found in the acceptance email sent out to the proposal creator OR by logging into ProposalSpace and viewing your proposal.
Your track lead is here to help you with any edits needed for your proposal and answer any general comments you may have about presenting at ELUNA 2019. Please do not hesitate to contact your track lead if you need assistance with anything.
For all other inquiries regarding the presenter process for ELUNA 2019, please email Shay Beezley, Program Committee Chair, at