Primo Working Group Updates

The Primo product working group (PWG) has been busy focusing on four core projects, which we will discuss below.

Clean up Primo Ideas Exchange: The PWG is following the lead of other product working groups to make better use of the Idea Exchange. The group started reviewing an export of all proposals to think about how to group topics for review and asked for updates from Ex Libris on older planned ideas. We encourage anyone who has an open proposal in the Primo Idea Exchange to review their own proposals for any needed updates and possible duplication.

Norm Rules Community Showcase/Toolkit: This group is working to create a resource for sharing Normalization rules (NR) for Primo VE. We have explored using a GitHub repository to host use case based NR and a wiki of tips, known issues, and other resources. Collaborating with Craig Murray and Yanan Zhao from Lincoln University who are also working with community on NR (ANZREG Discovery NR Hackathon they hosted in 2023). We are continuing to build out the repository/wiki before sharing it with the community for input.

List of Primo sites: This group is considering a voluntary list that will support supplemental information like links to customization package reference or code repositories. There will be a lightweight path for institutions to update their entries (possibly via Google Forms). We aim to prepare something for the ELUNA annual meeting to promote it in person.

Back Office to VE Feature Alignment Project: ELUNA and IGeLU Primo Working groups are collaborating on a project for Primo VE product development. The goal is to identify showstoppers preventing Primo customers using Primo BO from moving to Primo VE and aiming for prioritized product development with Ex Libris. We will be asking for community feedback on the Primo listserv soon.